Not sure how best to treat your shoes? Our experts are happy to explain it to you. We are happy to share our knowledge and expertise through this catalog of shoeshine guides. In these guides we explain per topic how you can best polish your shoes and which Collonil products you need. Take a look at the luxurious Collonil 1909 line. Or are you looking for the best for your sneakers? Then take a look at the Collonil Carbon products.
Click below on the topic you want to learn more about. Are you stuck? Ask our experts for further advice and explanation.

Shoeshine guide
Shoe Shine Guide for Beginners
Shoe Shine Guide for Beginners

Shoeshine guide
Cleaning sneakers
Make your sneakers like new again with this sneaker guide.

Shoeshine guide
Maintain suede
Shoe Shine Guide for Beginners

Product guide
Shoe trees
Keep your shoes in shape with good wooden shoe trees

Shoeshine guide
Take care of leather bag
Learn how to take good care of your leather bag with this guide.

Product guide
Shoe shine brushes
Choose the right shoe polish brush for your shoes with this guide.

Shoeshine guide
Shoe Shine Guide for Beginners
Shoe Shine Guide for Beginners

Shoeshine guide
Cleaning sneakers
Make your sneakers like new again with this sneaker guide.

Shoeshine guide
Maintain suede
Shoe Shine Guide for Beginners

Product guide
Shoe trees
Keep your shoes in shape with good wooden shoe trees

Shoeshine guide
Take care of leather bag
Learn how to take good care of your leather bag with this guide.

Product guide
Shoe shine brushes
Choose the right shoe polish brush for your shoes with this guide.